李蕢至的作品以華人哲學思想中最有力量的隱喻之一-「水」作為創作思考的觸媒,來雕塑著自然界的流動能量。他的自然雕塑在動與靜與內外心境之間把有形的世界與無形的宇宙聯繫起來,並與周圍的環境彼此交流與共生,進而探索創作的本質與人、自然與環境之間的關係。 目前居住在台灣並在世界各地創作。
Kuei-Chih Lee is an Environmental artist. His art is inspired by nature. He entered nature and established a communication relationship with natural elements through physical labor and views of the organic world, to become aware of the inner soul and consciousness and interpret natural philosophy. Kuei-Chih Lee's works use one of the most powerful metaphors in Chinese philosophy- "Water" as a catalyst for creating thinking, and then sculpting nature's flowing energy with it.
His sculptures connect the material world with the immaterial universe between motion and stillness and the inner and outer state of mind. His Work co-exists with the surrounding environment and then explores the relationship between the essence of creation, humans, nature, and the environment. Now, he lives in Taiwan and works around the world.
“We sculpted ourselves while sculpting time.”

Lua Rivera makes art to erase the boundaries between disciplines, promoting a free interaction between them and allowing the exhibition to transcend the walls of the gallery. Lua based her artwork in processes such as nesting, growth and adaptation of organisms. As a visual artist she is distinguished from her continuous search and use of multidisciplinary resources such as intervention, collage, photography, video and textiles.
Lua Rivera的藝術作品消除了學科之間的界限,促進學科之間的自由互動,並使展覽超越了畫廊的牆壁。 Lua的作品以築巢,生長和適應生物為基礎。 作為視覺藝術家,她擅長不斷搜索和使用多種學科資源(例如介入,拼貼,攝影、錄像和編織)。